Monday, December 26, 2011

The World of Blogging.....

What to blog about???? Okay so I started this blog for crafting purposes,but now realize I don't really craft fast enough to post a pic everyday...which is why I started to feel like..... oh no  I can't blog today if I don't have  a pic to I am throwing that theory of blogging out the window.....I will now attempt to blog without a pic involved.... (of course when a pic is available you will see it)......maybe just something I read about...or a vid I watched...a new technique....whatever makes me smile...and look no pic with this blog........and I'm smiling      Nancy

Monday, December 5, 2011

The time is near......

Christmas is right around the corner. I have been busy making lots of cards, personal gifts and ornaments. Hope all is well and happy scrappin.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Handmade flowers....

these beauties are available for purchase...let me know....Thanks

I have been MIA sorry.....

But I have been busy......This is one of the altered dress forms I finished for a swap...I love it!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Where does the time go........

It's been awhile since I have posted. Kids are back in school and the days are filled with keeping up with house cleaning and getting the house has been a big help.....the site helps to get you organized and to stay that way with a smile and a giggle. Well I'm still smiling anyway......Nancy

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hey all...

I'm back from a week of camping with the kids.....lots of fun and sun. Lots of nature lay outs on the way. I really miss making 12x12 lay outs. That's probably how most of us started scrapbooking. Please look for a few 12x12's comng your way....I'll be kickin old school....Nancy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Still Summer?

It is still summer correct? A few flowers that I made.This was my first try at these flowers and really liked making them. I find myself to be flower challenged,when it comes to making them. I will post a few more of my attempts at flower crafting in the next few days.
Thanks to all for reading and following.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It Never Ends...

Organizing is a constant battle for me as well as for lots of you. It seems that I organize before I start every new project. I try so hard to put things back where they belong only to realize that I now have about 12 inches of space to work at!!  A complete monthly redo of my limited scrap space  sounds great but...... Help!!!!! If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below...thanks

Monday, July 25, 2011

My love/hate relationship with card making...

Let me start by saying that I do really enjoy/love making cards...ok here comes the but.....what people do  with the card after reading it and hopefully ooohhhing and aaahhhing over it....THEY THROW IT AWAY! Ok fine I don't expect people to keep them forever. Possibly recycle them...if suitable frame the card...just the thought of my little work of heart ending up in the trash....leaves me almost speechless.

To hopefully get people to keep the cards that I make I have been making more and more easel cards that can actually be displayed for awhile until it eventually...I'm sure ends up being ....well you know what I mean.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Red,White and Blue....

I just completed a few more swaps. We used a 4th of July theme/colors.The swap was held at a new site started by my friend Lori. Come check out the site.
I participated in the charm and stick pin swaps. Love making..... them lots of fun....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Few Swaps

I fiinished a rolodex swap with some lovely beach babes at

This was my first rolodex swap and quickly signed up for another...loved doing these little pieces of art!

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's About Time........

It's about time....that I start a blog! This blog will be for showcasing my journey as a scrapbooker/mixed media artist.I still dont feel comfortable yet using the word artist but it's how I feel an artist.
I will also be sharing some of my favorite artists that I find on Youtube and from Blogs.To me all art is made from an artists heart.Therefore the name Our Works Of  Heart. Come along with me and enjoy the ride....Nancy